Agricultural mulching techniques for large crops

Category that groups articles specialized in agricultural mulching techniques for large crops. Here you will find a meticulous selection of articles that will immerse you in the essence and technical application of mulching in large-scale agriculture. Designed for professional farmers and agricultural businesses, each article focuses on exploring methods, strategies and practical tips for implementing mulching efficiently and profitably in your field crops. From material choice and mulch application, to its impact on weed control, water conservation and crop production, each publication is backed by research and practical experience.

plantar puerros

Plant Leeks. A complete study for a successful, profitable and sustainable investment.

Planting leeks is a practice that can transform our way of connecting with these enriching and profitable processes such as small or large-scale agriculture.

Actualmente contamos con técnicas efectivas que nos asisten durante todo nuestro plan de cultivo, como es el acolchado de papel biodegradable: nuestro asistente seguro y confiable que nos permitirá una cosecha ecológica, sostenible, rentable, de alta calidad y muy valorada en el mercado.

Ir de la mano con cada fase de nuestro proyecto agrícola será un aprendizaje invaluable, y plantar puerros se convertirá en una actividad reconfortante, estimulante y provechosa.

Plant Leeks. A complete study for a successful, profitable and sustainable investment. Read More »

cómo plantar calabazas

How to plant Pumpkins successfully in small and large areas of cultivation.

How to plant pumpkins: in recent years pumpkins have become very popular, and are currently highly appreciated globally for their multiple benefits and uses not only in our kitchens, but for their versatility in various fields of industry. This is why planting pumpkins has become a very profitable and successful agricultural activity for many farmers. These highly valued vegetables in the markets provide us with numerous benefits that range from the food industry to cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, the production of animal feed and sustainable industrial applications such as bioplastics, biomaterials and biogas production.

How to plant Pumpkins successfully in small and large areas of cultivation. Read More »

plantar melones

Plant Melons. Complete guide to a successful harvest.

In this step-by-step guide, we will learn how to plant melons using the best agricultural practices and sustainable techniques such as the use of biodegradable paper mulch, which is very profitable as it considerably reduces costs, optimizes our cultivation, and due to its biodegradable characteristic. It becomes a nutrient substrate for the soil, minimizes environmental impact and serves as a basis for our next crops. Planting melons is a profitable investment for a more productive and ecological agricultural future. It means that developing the maximum potential of our harvest and guaranteeing sweeter and more attractive fruits for the market implies that we thoroughly know everything about the cultivation process, the variables and unforeseen events that may arise, and the agricultural solutions and techniques. advanced such as implementing the use of biodegradable paper mulching that promotes more sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture. We will have all these key aspects that we will develop in this guide at hand to control and maximize our production and optimal profitability at the market level.

Plant Melons. Complete guide to a successful harvest. Read More »

plantar pimientos

Planting peppers, 16 recommendations to incorporate sustainable and profitable techniques.

One of the most satisfying farming tasks is planting peppers. If we are professional farmers or have decided to create a home or urban garden, planting peppers represents a very versatile and beneficial project on an economic and nutritional level, as it will bring us an attractive profitability due to its high demand in local and international markets, and we will also obtain a source rich in vitamins A and C, antioxidants and essential minerals, as we will see later.

Planting peppers, 16 recommendations to incorporate sustainable and profitable techniques. Read More »

plantar ajo

How to plant garlic using modern agricultural techniques?

In this practical guide that we present on how to plant garlic, we will discover that it is much simpler than we imagine, when we take advantage of these new agricultural techniques that will transform our orchards and large crops into more productive, efficient, ecological, and respectful spaces with our environment.

How to plant garlic using modern agricultural techniques? Read More »

plantar brócoli

How to plant broccoli and avoid weeds.

In this article we will see how to plant broccoli to obtain optimal results, and to do so we will focus on the needs that this noble plant requires. Likewise, we will learn not only to avoid the appearance of weeds, but we will be able to avoid and control the competition that the latter develop with respect to our crop.

How to plant broccoli and avoid weeds. Read More »

Cómo plantar cebolla

When and how to plant onions: Detailed guide for successful cultivation.

Onions are an essential pillar for world gastronomy, and therefore represent a great product to harvest, whether we choose it as a way of life or as a very enriching hobby.

Onions are one of the most used and versatile vegetables in global gastronomy.

These herbaceous plants belong to the Amaryllidaceae family and are characterized by their bulb, made up of multiple layers of tissue.

With a powerful flavor and high nutritional value, their integration into cuisines is as varied as the cultures that use them.

Onions have a long history dating back more than 5,000 years.

Originally from Central Asia, the ease of developing their cultivation and conservation, in addition to their nutritional and medicinal properties that have been attributed to them since ancient times, spread them across different continents until they became a fundamental ingredient in the most diverse cultures.

When and how to plant onions: Detailed guide for successful cultivation. Read More »

como ahorrar agua en la agricultura

How to save water in agriculture: NovaMulch biodradable paper mulch.

In the era of sustainability, the issue of how to save water in agriculture is an enigma that has taken center stage, becoming a recurring question among farmers and horticulturists, both professionals and amateurs. Not only because water is a finite resource that we must learn to manage efficiently, but also because its correct administration

How to save water in agriculture: NovaMulch biodradable paper mulch. Read More »

How to remove sedge with effective methods

Sedge (Cyperus rotundus) is an invasive plant that can become a major problem in our soil. In this article ‘How to remove sedge with these effective methods’, we will explore different methods to control and remove sedge effectively, preventing its spread and protecting our natural environment.

How to remove sedge with effective methods Read More »

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