plantar brócoli

How to plant broccoli and avoid weeds.

In this article we will see how to plant broccoli to obtain optimal results, and to do so we will focus on the needs that this noble plant requires. Likewise, we will learn not only to avoid the appearance of weeds, but we will be able to avoid and control the competition that the latter develop with respect to our crop.

Why plant broccoli and what advantages it has.

How and when to harvest broccoli.

Planting broccoli represents a very pleasant activity and is also beneficial, as it contains a high nutritional value, and due to its characteristics it adapts easily to the environment. This cruciferous species is native to the Mediterranean, and this is why it adapts naturally to areas with a temperate climate; likewise, it is remarkably resistant to low temperatures.

Nutritional science has considered that broccoli provides essential nutrients in the Mediterranean diet, since its stems and flowers contain a large number of benefits for our health, which is why it has become part of our regular diet.

Likewise, this cruciferous vegetable is a carrier of a high concentration of vitamins K, C and A, essential minerals such as potassium, folic acid, in addition to being an important source of dietary fiber and protein.

When we make the decision to plant broccoli and include it in our diet as an essential food, we will receive great benefits for our health:

  • Prevention of heart diseases,
  • Prevention of digestive disorders,
  • Its antioxidant compounds help prevent certain types of cancer,
  • Promotes the development of our immune system,
  • It contains a high content of dietary fiber, helping to process food better, strengthening our digestive system, and helping to maintain a healthy weight.

To plant broccoli with optimal results, we must take into consideration several aspects that we will analyze below:

Selection and preparation of the land before planting broccoli.

How and when to harvest broccoli.

We are going to select a plot of land with good drainage and that receives full sunlight.

Next, we proceed to prepare the soil. Here we must incorporate large amounts of organic matter, such as compost or manure, thus guaranteeing adequate nutrition.

Even though the broccoli plant adapts to a wide variety of soils, it prefers and thrives on slightly acidic soils, with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5.
It is advisable to analyze the soils in which we are going to plant broccoli, to verify that the conditions for our cultivation are suitable.

Steps we must follow before planting broccoli.

Importance of soil type

Both the quality and the conditions of the soil that we choose to plant broccoli (or any type of plant) will be a decisive factor in our cultivation plan so that it is totally successful, and if we pay attention to these tips, we will see our harvest rewarded, which will be abundant, productive and healthy.

Characteristics that our floor must have.

Broccoli is a hardy plant; However, it requires certain specific demands regarding the quality and conditions of the soil to achieve full development.

The ideal soils for planting broccoli should be loamy in texture, that is, with a balanced mixture of sand, silt and clay, which guarantee correct drainage, adequate moisture retention, adequate nutrient development and a pH whose ideal range oscillates between 6.0. and 7.5, being slightly acidic to neutral.

Adjusting soil conditions to plant broccoli with optimal results.

If it is our case that the soil conditions we have for planting are not ideal, below we present several strategies so that we can improve these conditions.

Let’s incorporate compost or organic fertilizer, which improves the texture and moisture retention capacity, in addition to enriching our soil with adequate nutrients for the plant.

If the pH fluctuates from the proposed range (6.0 and 7.5), we can increase it with lime, or decrease it with sulfur.

Choosing the right seeds.

The moment to choose the seeds to plant broccoli (or any other plant) is crucial as this influences the final and optimal product of our crop.

In this step, there are factors that influence and determine this result, such as the appropriate conditions of both the soil and the climate for a certain variety of seeds, since some develop better at certain altitudes and temperatures.

The most resistant ones require less treatment and specific care, compared to other more vulnerable seeds, and in any case it is essential to acquire basic knowledge about the climate and nature of our soil, and the appropriate seeds for each one.

Practical tips for selecting high-quality seeds.

Seek information about the best seed suppliers, who are easily accessible professionals, who inspire confidence, and who guarantee us seeds of good quality, good genetics, and suitable for the conditions of our soil and climate.

Ask for advice to carry out responsible monitoring and attend to the entire process of sowing, growing and harvesting the seeds we acquire.

Storage and sowing of seeds.

Once we have the information on how to treat them, we must store them in a cool, dry place until planting time; This is to preserve its properties and viability.

Broccoli is planted in seedbeds, commercial or home containers.

Each hole should be approximately 1 centimeter deep.

When placing the seed in each hole, we cover it with compost.

It is important that the space between each seed is sufficient, preferably with a distance of 40 to 50 centimeters between each one, even though these spaces may vary depending on the variety of the seed.

For this we need the advice of our trusted supplier.

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Preparation of the land to plant broccoli.

How and when to harvest broccoli.

Preparing the soil for our plantation requires a process to improve its conditions and successfully achieve the final result.

Broccoli needs nourished soil, as we explained previously, and the process we are referring to consists of three steps:


We must eliminate all residue from previous crops, as well as stones and any foreign object that poses a risk and that could interfere with the growth and development of the plants.


Add nutrients, compost, organic products that are ideal to start and encourage the fertility of the sowing. Broccoli in particular benefits from the addition of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Tilling the land:

When removing the soil deeply, we must remove large stones and other objects that we may have overlooked in the cleaning we did during the first step, and thus facilitate the mulching process.

Likewise, with this subtraction we will allow broccoli to root and grow properly when planting.

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Care that we must observe after planting broccoli.

Once we have completed the sowing, we will store the seedbed in a place protected from the elements but that receives indirect light. Irrigation should be gentle, without saturating the crop. Germination will be visible within 3 to 5 days, and after a few weeks we will be able to transfer the seedlings from the seedbeds to the final soil.

By following these steps we will make planting broccoli a successful and pleasant task.

Some links of interest on the topic:

Care during growth.

When we make the decision to plant broccoli, regular watering is essential, avoiding saturating the soil and maintaining a constant and appropriate level of humidity.
For this, the use of mulching is a very effective resource, as it conveniently helps to conserve moisture and regulate soil temperature.

The padding material is very varied, but paper is particularly recommended for its ecological nature and its respect for the environment. Likewise, it offers the advantage of protecting plants against certain pests and diseases.

Likewise, we recommend applying organic fertilizers such as compost material or horse manure during the plant growth period.

Once we decide to plant broccoli, let’s keep in mind that it is not an arduous task; however, we must know that we are going to require extra contributions of nutrients, as well as basic knowledge to implement the crop, and dedicate special attention to our plantation, so that we can successfully guarantee our harvest, and obtain all the benefits that this wonderful vegetable provides.

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Paper mulching technique for planting broccoli, and how to prevent weeds from appearing.

Mulching is very necessary because it is a factor that impacts and prevents the challenges that arise in our crops, not only in broccoli but in general, for all plants.

On the other hand, paper mulching represents an eco-friendly cultivation technique, very favorable for our environment, as it preserves humidity without saturating the soil and sowing, controlling the appearance and development of weeds such as sedge, for example.

This paper mulching technique is based on covering the soil with a layer of this material, such as Novamulch paper, and then we begin to open the holes, by hand using a knife, or with the help of an agricultural machine, and with the measures that we previously specified.

After a few months this paper mulch will decompose, transforming into organic matter that will serve as fertilizer for the soil and future plantings.

How and when to harvest broccoli.

Benefits of paper mulch and its impact on weed prevention.

This ecological and biodegradable material provides us with multiple benefits:

It represents a non-polluting way to recycle paper, it prevents the proliferation of weeds such as sedge, because due to its structure that consists of a natural network of paper, these weeds cannot penetrate the layers of the material, thus weakening and they fail to prosper.

Likewise, by preserving humidity, paper mulch reduces evapotranspiration and, therefore, the need for frequent irrigation that can result in saturation and damage to the natural development of the sowing, thus improving the composition of the soil and favoring the appearance and development of worms and other organisms that benefit our plantation.

It is for these reasons that when deciding to plant broccoli, we must take into consideration the use of paper mulch as a great ally in our growing process.

Essential care during the growth of broccoli.


Needs and recommendations:

Adequate irrigation promotes optimal growth when planting broccoli, avoiding what we call water stress.
Broccoli prefers moist but well-drained soil. Regulated, deep and constant irrigation is key for proper development. The frequency of irrigation will depend on the climate and the type of soil, although it is usual to do it every 2 or 3 days in summer and every 4 or 5 days in winter.
However, if we use the paper mulching technique, it will greatly facilitate everything that involves preserving soil moisture and the excess and cost of using water.

Pruning and weeding broccoli.

Techniques and benefits:

Planting broccoli is not a challenge when it comes to pruning. We simply must remove the yellow or diseased leaves that appear, in order to ensure better air circulation in the plant, and prevent the spread of potential diseases.

It is necessary to maintain control over weeds, so that we can prevent them from competing with our plants for nutrients and water.

Thus, weeding is essential as a prevention and maintenance system, and at this point we must take care that when removing weeds we do not damage the root system of our plants.

This is where paper mulch like Novamulch becomes necessary, since, as we explained previously, it represents a supremely helpful technique when it comes to preventing, removing and controlling everything that is going to harm our clean and productive crop.

How and when to harvest broccoli.

How and when to harvest broccoli.

When we have completed all the steps described to plant broccoli, and the day and time for harvest is approaching, what should we know to obtain our plants and successfully complete this process?

Let’s look at the maturity of broccoli for harvest.

The next recommended step is observing our delicious plants.

There is no perfect and exact time to harvest it but rather examine its size, color and maturity, that is, if we observe that the head of the broccoli is well formed, compact, dark green, and its yellow flowers are just beginning to open, then it will be the time to harvest it.

We will need scissors or a sharp knife. We cut the main stem at an angle approximately 15 centimeters below the crown of the plant, where the stems of the secondary flowers begin to branch; This is to prevent water from accumulating in the stem and preventing the appearance of fungi.

Our process has finished and we will greatly benefit from our harvest.

Planting broccoli is a very satisfying and rewarding experience, healthy and nutritious.

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